How to create a PWA a scoring 90+ score in Google Lighthouse using Ionic 2
library_booksI just created a Progressive Web App that scores 99 out of 100 in the Lighthouse auditing report. I used Ionic 2 (Angular) to get the results I wanted, here’s how I did it
Fingerprint end-to-end encryption
library_booksFE2EE stands for Fingerprint end-to-end encryption It’s just a made up term based on my idea on how we could improve end-to-end encryption or at least the authentication around end-to-end encryption.
Atom treasures
library_booksI recently switched from Sublime Text 3 to Atom Editor, and I must say it sped up my development process especially the part of producing flawless front-end code.
Always up-to-date with Bower
library_booksBower is a dependency manager for front-end packages these packages represent projects like twitter bootstrap, font awesome, angular, backbone, animate.css and many more.
How to enhance your front-end development workflow using Gulp
library_booksGulp is a task runner, meaning that you can use it to automate common tasks in the development of a project. It’s built on Node.js and both Gulp and your Gulp file are written in JavaScript.